Custom Config

The idea for the “Custom Config” module is to have all of the overrides for a DKAN project in a single place. These would not include new features that a project uses but just the configuration changes. This makes it easier to see and evaluate the configurations for a DKAN project because they are in a uniform place.

The “Custom Configuration” module is designed to contain:

  • A list of custom modules to enable by default
  • Overrides of “Data Config”
  • Custom functions that override DKAN
  • Features exports that override DKAN
  • All the features components that need to be banished through features_banish
  • custom updates (hook_update_N)

List of Custom Modules to Enable

The /config/modules/custom_config/ file contains a list of all of the modules and themes that should be enabled or disabled by default in a project that are not part of DKAN Starter.

The list of modules that DKAN Starter enables can be found in /assets/modules/data_config/data_config.module.

For more information see Enable or Disable a module.