Installing from a Backup

This is a workflow for installing a site if you only have a git repository and a database dump file. This is often the case if you are requesting a production site or if you receive a backup from a vendor.

This workflow does not include continuous integration (testing, QA sites) because the user does not have access to Github or the database backups.


The following are required for this tutorial.

  1. MySQL database
    • This should be a sanitized version of the production database.
  2. Project Repository
    • This should be the full repository and be identical to DKAN Starter except for the config/ folder.

Step by Step Installation

Install Docker

Follow the instructions at Local Docker Development Environment to setup your local development environment.

Start Local Containers

Run ahoy docker up from the root of your project folder.

Add database backup

Run ahoy drush sqlc < DATABASE-BACKUP-NAME.sql. Change “DATABASE-BACKUP-NAME” for the name of your database file.

Access Site

Run ahoy drush uli and you should get a URL for your site.